hugh grant

My Weekend AKA the time I ate everything in London

On Saturday morning my roommate and I went to the Portobello Market in Notting Hill. Yes that one.

Did not see Hugh Grant there unfortunately. But what we did see was tons of food! Stands and stands of food.

I got fresh veggies, fruit, goat cheese, a sandwich, and a chocolate eclair. And I ate most of it before getting home.

every stand we walked past

We wandered a little further and found this completely random warehouse type place with live music and drinks. It was like 3 in the afternoon but why not!

Then I went home and ate some of the veggies I got and met up with Maddy (!) and her friends from Venice for fish and chips and beer at a pub. Notice the theme is just me constantly eating.

At the next bar, we drank these mint oreo milkshake drink things that probably had 0 alcohol in them but man they were delicious.

On Sunday, I met up with a super cool mom I met in my neighborhood and her 5 year old daughter. They were nice enough to show me some parts of London I hadn’t seen before! We got some great Dim Sum in Chinatown and Ben and Jerrys ice cream is Leicester Square which is kind of the equivalent of Times Square.  My favorite was a great view of London from a 32nd floor while drinking some great wine. Having a cute five year old with us got us free fancy marshmallow and fruit. The 360 view really made me realize how big London is because it really doesn’t seem that big! Part of why I like it so much.

Great conversation and fun times all around over a super calorie dense weekend. Oh well, I’ll be healthy again eventually.

full circle back to Notting Hill gifs

And some pics:

my girl Maddy

my girl Maddy


dat view



adorable kid